Making software and software development teams. Mostly the people parts.


Early-Mid 2024

Senior Eng Manager at Built Technologies, a Series D at the intersection of fintech and construction tech working on the hard problems around how construction gets funded and business gets done in real estate, aka lets build more housing in this country so anyone can afford a home.

The AllStripes ride came to an end over a year ago, and while the mission continues, the company is no longer an entity. I'm bummed that my first run in healthcare ended so suddenly, but that's startup life. Would love to make another run at a healthcare opportunity at some point in this career.

Living in Portland, Oregon for 15 years now. We nearly moved back to California twice in the last year! I suspect that's going to actually happen one of these years, but in the meantime Portland is still a great place to be, despite questionable local government leadership and all the negativity in the media.

I had a few months off last Spring. We spent them in Spain and Portugal. 2024's Spring trip is to the Rockies: Montana, Wyoming and Colorado.

What's exciting: Despite it being my third decade now, I find myself excited as ever by tech and the opportunities it creates. So many of us would be working in factories just a generation or two ago. And now in the After Times, with so many remote opportunities, you can be in Columbus, OH or Greenville, SC or Wichita, KS (to name a few tertiary cities I've spent time in during the last decade) and have access to the best jobs in the world. Tech isn't perfect - far from it - but I remain adamant that the good far outweighs the bad.

posted in Personal